3 Card Prime Strategy


The Prime wager is optionally placed before cards are dealt and pays on the color of the player cards. If all three cards are the same color the payoff is 3 to 1. However, when included with the dealer hand if all six cards are the same color then the payoff is increased to 4 to 1. Oh Fruck is a raucous card game that combines strategy with special rules that change every time you play. Fun-filled game for 2-6 players (up to 12 players when combined with another deck). Be the first player to discard all your cards, but watch out for the special rules and don’t get Frucked. 3 Card Poker Rules for Beginners: When making your Vegas bucket list, you have to make time for the fantastic shows, plan at least a few meals at the uniquely delectable restaurants, and make sure you save some energy for the word-class nightlife, but you also should make time to learn how to win at 3 card poker. Hot table game Three Card Poker has gained popularity not only because it’s.

  1. 3 Card Prime Strategy Tactics
  2. Amazon Prime Card
  3. 3 Card Prime Strategy Builder
  4. 3 Prime To 5 Prime
Three-card Monte
A game in Jaffa, Israel (2005). It has all the hallmarks of the con; the cards are slightly curved, the corners have been bent and the dealer has the cash in hand to conceal any sleight-of-hand.
OriginSpanish[citation needed]
Skills requiredChance
DeckAny deck
Playing time5–10 min
Random chanceEasy
Related games
Monte Bank

Three-card Monte – also known as Find the Lady and Three-card Trick – is a confidence game in which the victims, or 'marks', are tricked into betting a sum of money, on the assumption that they can find the 'money card' among three face-down playing cards. It is very similar to the shell game except that cards are used instead of shells.[1]

In its full form, Three-card Monte is an example of a classic 'short con'[2] in which a shill pretends to conspire with the mark to cheat the dealer, while in fact conspiring with the dealer to cheat the mark. The mark has no chance whatsoever of winning, at any point in the game. In fact, anyone who is observed winning anything in the game can be presumed to be a shill.

This confidence trick was already in use by the turn of the 15th century.[3]


The Three-card Monte game is simple. To play, a dealer places three cards face down on a table, usually on a cardboard box which provides the ability to set up and disappear quickly.[4] The dealer shows that one of the cards is the target card, e.g., the queen of hearts, and then rearranges the cards quickly to confuse the player about which card is which. The player is then given an opportunity to select one of the three cards. If the player correctly identifies the target card, the player gets the amount bet (the 'stake') back, plus the same amount again; otherwise, the stake is lost.

Usual card selection[edit]

Since there are only three cards, the jack of spades and jack of clubs often complement the 'money card', which is usually a queen.[5] The queen is often a red card, typically the queen of hearts. Sometimes the ace of spades is used as the money card, since in some cultures the ace of spades is viewed as lucky, which might lure the mark into playing the game.

Drawing a player in[edit]

When the mark arrives at the Three-card Monte game, it is likely that a number of other players will be seen winning and losing money at the game. The people engaged in playing the game are often shills, confederates of the dealer who pretend to play so as to give the illusion of a straight gambling game.[6]

As the mark watches the game, they are likely to notice that they can follow the queen more easily than the shills seem to be able to, which sets them up to believe that they can win the game.

Eventually, if the mark enters the game, they will be cheated through any number of methods. An example of a simple scheme involves a dealer and two shills:

A three-card Monte stand in Warsaw, July 1944
  • The dealer and shills act as if they do not know each other. The mark will come upon a game being conducted in a seemingly clandestine manner, perhaps with somebody 'looking out' for police. The dealer will be engaged in his role, with the first shill betting money. The first shill may be winning, leading the mark to observe that easy money may be had, or losing, leading the mark to observe that they could beat the game and win money where the first shill is losing it.
  • While the mark is watching, the second shill, acting as a casual passerby like the mark, will casually engage a mark in conversation regarding the game, commenting on either how easily the first shill is winning or how they are losing money because they cannot win at what appears to the mark to be a simple game. This conversation is engineered to implicitly encourage the mark to play, and it is possible the second shill could resort to outright encouragement.
  • If the mark does not enter the game, the dealer may claim to see police and will fold up the operation and restart it elsewhere, or will wait for another mark to appear on the scene.
  • If the mark enters the game, they may be 'had' (cheated) by a number of techniques. A common belief is that the operator may let the mark win a couple of bets to suck them in, but this is virtually never true. In a true Monte scam, the mark will never win a single bet, as it is not necessary. There are too many ways for a well-run mob to attract the marks, suck them in, and convince them to put money down.
  • When the dealer and the shills have taken the mark, a lookout, the dealer, or a shill acting as an observer will claim to have spotted the police. The dealer will quickly pack up the game and disperse along with the shills.
Con artists enticing people on Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, to play, and lose money in the game in 2018.


The Game of Monte in the Streets of Mexico by Claudio Linati (1828)

Dealers employ sleight of hand[7] and misdirection to prevent the mark from finding the queen.

While various moves have been devised for Monte, there is one basic move which is overwhelmingly used with virtually all Monte games. It has to do with the way the cards are held and tossed to the table. The dealer will pick up one of the cards with one hand, and two with the other. This is the key: although it appears that the dealer is tossing the lowermost card to the table, in actuality they can toss either the top or the bottom card at will. Thus, having done so, and while mixing up the cards, the mark will be following the wrong card from the beginning. The move, done properly, is undetectable. Even the shills pretending to play are often unaware of where the money card actually is without the dealer employing signals of various kinds to let them know where it is.[citation needed]

Inevitably, once in a while the mark will manage to find the right location of the card by pure chance. This presents no problem at all for the mob; if the mark picks the right card, one of the shills will simply post a higher bid, which the dealer immediately accepts, announcing that he will accept only the highest bid. In other words, the mark puts down money on the right card, at which point a shill will immediately place a double bet on top of the card, thereby winning the 'right' to play that round. Of course, if the mark picks the wrong card, the dealer takes the bid and the money. The dealer will never accept a winning bid from a mark.[citation needed]

The psychology of the con is to increase the mark's confidence until they believe they have a special ability to cheat the dealer and win easy money. Everything the Monte mob does is geared towards creating that mindset in the mark. To increase the mark's motivation to bet, they will also employ standard strategies such as having the dealer be slightly abrasive or rude, so there is even more reason to want to take his money.

'Bent corner' variation[edit]

The 'bent corner ploy' is one of the classic scams in Three-card Monte, and is used if the mob thinks a mark can be had for more money, or needs more convincing to put some money down. During the course of tossing the cards, the dealer 'accidentally' drops the cards, resulting in a corner of the money card having a slight bend in it. Another variation is for the dealer to look away, and while occupied, one of the shills will quickly put the crimp in the money card. Either way, the dealer pretends not to notice, this perhaps being made more plausible by having the dealer wear thick glasses. Assuming the mark bets on the card with the bent corner, the dealer will tell the mark to turn it over (so there can be no accusations of card-switching), revealing that it is not the money card after all, but one of the loser cards. The dealer has, in the course of tossing the cards, unbent the money card and bent the loser card. In this variation, the mark will be even more reluctant to complain about having lost money, as doing so would reveal that he intended to cheat the dealer.

Solo variation[edit]

A skilled card mechanic can perform this con without shills or assistants.Everything is legitimate up until the reveal.To show that nothing dishonest is being done with the selected card, the dealer does not even touch it, using one of the other cards to turn it over.If a losing card was selected, the card is simply turned over.If the winning card was selected, a Mexican Turnover is used to switch the two cards.When done correctly, the two actions are indistinguishable.No matter which card is selected, when turned over it is a losing card.

Variation in card magic[edit]

The Three-card Monte is performed in card magic tricks with minor or major variations that manipulate the use of gimmick cards, and other sleight-of-hand techniques.


In Canada, under section 206(1) of the Criminal Code, it is illegal to do the following in relation to Three-card Monte, which is mentioned by name:

  • Receive bets
  • Induce any person to stake or hazard any money or other valuable property
  • Carry on or play or offer to carry on or play in a public place
  • Employ any person to carry on or play in a public place
  • Allow the game to take place (the owner of the premises)

They are indictable offences, with a maximum penalty of two years in prison.[8]

History and popular culture[edit]

Canada Bill Jones (1820–1877) was considered a master of Three-card Monte, in the middle of the 19th century in America.[9]

In 1898, infamous con man Soapy Smith stole a sack of gold from returning Klondike miner John Douglas Stewart after several rounds of Three-card Monte. After Stewart had wagered and lost his cash, he was induced to bring his gold out of safekeeping. Smith's associates grabbed it and ran. A local vigilance committee ruled that Smith should return the gold, but he refused, claiming that Stewart had lost it 'fairly'. Smith was killed during a shootout with the committee the next evening.[10]

After revealing the secret behind the trick on the British television show How Do They Do That?, American illusionist John Lenahan became the first person to be expelled from The Magic Circle.[11]

The play Topdog/Underdog centers around two brothers who play Three-card Monte; the climax of the play comes when one brother bets his entire inheritance on one game. The play won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.

The film Short Circuit 2 features a Three-card Monte scam being uncovered by pure chance by the protagonist Johnny 5, who correctly guesses the red card due to his acute vision.

The 1995 film Restoration has a brief Three-card Monte sequence that utilizes a double turnover and flushtration (or 'back') count. These magician's sleights fail to fool Meg Ryan's character Katherine.

The 1967 film Waterhole #3 features an excellent version of Three Card Monte including the trick of bending one corner being used by the James Coburn Character Lewton Cole.

The film Now You See Me 2 features a life-sized version of the Three-card Monte performed by Jack Wilder (Dave Franco).

The music video for Run DMC's 1987 song 'It's Tricky' features illusionists Penn & Teller trying to scam people by performing the Three-card Monte in front of the Rialto Theater in Los Angeles.

In a 1995 episode of The Simpsons entitled 'The Springfield Connection,' Homer is taken in by a Three-card Monte scam run by Snake and another man, a shill who Marge suspects is related to Snake, 'or at least in cahoots' with him. Homer places a $20 bet anyway and loses. Marge reveals that he's been scammed and accuses Snake of 'preying on the greedy and stupid'. Snake protests his innocence ('surely, you don't blame me!') and then flees.

In the novel and BBC series Wolf Hall episode 'Three Card Trick', Thomas Cromwell learns and utilizes the trick to survive in his adolescent days on the streets in early Tudor-era England, later emphasizing the supremacy of a child doing the trick due to the perceived confidence of prospective players. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, baffled by his aide's skills at the con, jokingly suggests he teach it to him, should they fall from favor and be put in financial jeopardy.

The film Hearts in Atlantis (2001) features Alan Tudyk as a carny worker performing the Three-card Monte to fleece money from the protagonist Bobby Garfield (played by Anton Yelchin). However, Bobby had inadvertently absorbed a mind reading ability from Ted Brautigan (Anthony Hopkins' character) and was able to beat the con.

In the Marvel Comics television show The Punisher, Frank Castle (Jon Bernthal) learns how to play Three-card Monte with his temporary ward, Amy Bendix (Giorgia Whigham).

In the Dave Chappelle special, Unforgiven, Chappelle mentions he was conned in a game of Three-card Monte when he was 18-years-old.[12]

Other names[edit]

In French-speaking countries, the game is known as Bonneteau. In italy is known as Gioco delle tre Carte. In German-speaking countries, the game is known as das Kümmelblättchen.[13]In Uganda, it is known as Wakaleba.


  1. ^Tom Ogden The Complete Idiot's Guide to Magic Tricks, p. 123, Alpha Books (1998) ISBN0-02-862707-5
  2. ^https://nypost.com/2014/12/26/three-card-monte-scam-artists-return-to-midtown/New York Post, Three-card monte scam artists return to midtown, Is this Christmas 2014 – or 1974?
  3. ^Paul B. Newman Daily life in the Middle Ages, p. 169, McFarland (2001) ISBN0-7864-0897-9
  4. ^Richard John Neuhaus The best of The Public Square, p. 203, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (2001) ISBN0-8028-4995-4
  5. ^Three-card Monte at pagat.com
  6. ^
  7. ^Penn Jillette, radio interview, NPR, ca. 2000
  8. ^Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46, s 206.
  9. ^William Norman Thompson Gambling in America: an encyclopedia of history, issues, and society, p. 205, ISBN1-57607-159-6
  10. ^Sauerwein, Stan (2005). Soapy Smith: Skagway's Scourge of the Klondike. Heritage House Publishing Co. ISBN1554390117.
  11. ^Vincent, Matthew (30 March 2012). 'Equities: A kind of magic'. The Financial Times. Retrieved 9 January 2015.
  12. ^'Dave Chappelle - UNFORGIVEN - YouTube'. www.youtube.com. Retrieved 2020-12-25.
  13. ^Hülsemann 1930, p. 294. sfn error: no target: CITEREFHülsemann1930 (help)


  • * Hülsemann, Robert (1930). Das Buch der Spiele für Familie und Gesellschaft. Hesse & Becker, Leipzig.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Three-card_Monte&oldid=1003105613'

A hybrid table game popularized in 1994, Three Card Poker incorporates elements of poker and blackjack to form an exciting, fast paced contest between players and a house dealer.

The mechanics of Three Card Poker are simple and easy to pick up for anybody who has ever dabbled in either poker or blackjack. With two tiers of betting – the main ante and play bets along with the Pair Plus and other bonuses – Three Card Poker offers multiple forms of action on every hand. Even better, the big bonus payouts awarded for qualifying high hands like three of a kind or a straight flush can turn a casual game into an unforgettable score.

Every experienced gambler has that friend who winds up winning big on their first trip to Las Vegas or the local casino. And more often than not, those stories usually take place at a Three Card Poker table, where a few small side bets on the bonus and three perfect cards can combine for huge payouts.

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Three Card Poker Basics

The first action in a Three Card Poker hand is a mandatory bet known as the Ante. This wager must be made for a player to take a hand. After making the ante bet (along with the Pair Plus and other side bets, which will be explained below) players receive three cards, as does the dealer. The player’s cards may be exposed at this point, but the dealer’s hand remains face down.

Three Card Poker relies on the traditional poker hand hierarchy to determine winners, but rather than five cards only three are needed. This means high-card (A-3-2) is the lowest qualifying hand, followed by one pair (9-9-2), flush (any three cards of the same suit), straight (6-7-8), three of a kind (9-9-9), straight flush (6-7-8 of the same suit), and in some casinos, the mini-Royal (A-K-Q of the same suit).

Remember, in traditional five card poker a flush beats a straight because the hand is slightly easier to make, and both hands beat three of a kind for the same reason. But things change in Three Card Poker, and the hand values are turned upside down.

With 52 combinations available to make three of a kind, this hand is actually nearly as difficult to make as a straight flush (48 combinations). The odds of making either hand stand at less than 1 percent, while a straight (3.2 percent) and flush (4.9 percent) are far easier to make.

Based on the strength of your hand, you can decide whether to match your Ante with an equal Play bet. If you have a weak hand and decline to play, you can fold and forfeit your ante and bonus bets. When you decide to post the Play bet the dealer will then expose their cards to determine a winner.

The dealer hand must be queen-high or better to qualify. When the dealer fails to produce a qualifying hand, your Ante bet is paid out at even money, while the Play bet is automatically returned as a push. When the dealer produces a qualifying hand it’s compared to each player hand and the highest hand is declared the winner. If your hand is better than the dealer’s, both your Ante and Play bets will be paid out at even money. Identical hands are deemed a push.

The game’s flair comes from the bonuses of course, and even if you don’t wager on the Pair Plus bonus, you can still enjoy a little extra juice on your money from time to time. Whenever a player hand makes a straight or better, it qualifies for an Ante Bonus, or an additional payout on top of the even money you get on the Ante and Play bets.

To top it off, even if the dealer somehow produces a superior hand, causing you to lose the Ante and Play bets, you recoup some of those losses because the Ante Bonus is awarded no matter what when you make a straight or better. There are a few Ante Bonus payout tables out there, but for the most part you’ll see 1 to 1 payouts on straights, 4 to 1 on flushes, and 5 to 1 on straight flushes. The house edge on this standard 5-4-1 pay table is 3.37 percent.

Bonus Side Bets in Three Card Poker

The other primary bet you can make in Three Card Poker is known as the Pair Plus bet. This can be anywhere from $1 on up, and making the bet entitles you to a sizable extra payout when you happen to make big hands.

The name Pair Plus comes from the fact that you need at least a pair to qualify, and while this pays out at even money, the real excitement comes from hitting a straight flush and its 40 to 1 payout. Three of a kind hands also pay out pretty nicely at 30 to 1, and many players enjoy grinding Three Card Poker with the express intent of spiking a big hand with a Pair Plus bet on the line.

The standard pay table used for Pair Plus bonus bets (40-30-6-4-1) offers a 2.32 percent house edge, but alternative Pair Plus pay tables like the 40-30-6-3-1 can be deceptive, while also increasing the house edge to 7.28 percent.


In some cases you’ll find Three Card Poker tables that include the mini-Royal (A-K-Q of the same suit) on the Pair Plus pay table, and these pay out at 80 to one. The standard Pair Plus pay table with mini-Royals included (80-40-25-6-3-1) offers a 7.73 percent house edge.

Additionally, many casinos offer tables featuring progressive bonuses that pay out escalating jackpots that can run into the six- and even seven-figures. In order to hit these jackpots, players must make the additional side wager and make specific high hand; usually a mini-Royal in spades.

3 Card Prime Strategy Tactics

Finally, you may notice Three Card Poker tables advertising a Six Card Bonus, and this simply refers to the practice of combining your three cards with the dealer’s three cards, while making the best five-card poker hand possible. Five-card Royal Flushes trigger the jackpot on this special bonus bet.

The Strategy of Three Card Poker

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3 Card Prime Strategy Builder

Optimal strategy for Three Card Poker can be distilled into the simplest of formulas: when your hand strength equals queen-six-four or higher, you should always post the additional Play bet. When your hand strength equals anything lower than queen-six-four, you should fold and surrender your Ante and bonus bets. The reason for this is based on mathematical certainty, as queen-six-four represents the minimum hand you need to rate better than the dealer’s random three cards.

One thing about Three Card Poker to keep in mind is that your hand will beat the dealer’s hand 44.91 percent of the time, you’ll lose 55.03 percent of the time, and the rest of the hands will result in a chop. But by sticking to the queen-six-three threshold for matching the Ante bet, you’ll stand to lose 8.26 percent of your Ante bet, but your win rate on the Play bet will jump to 5.29 percent.

3 Prime To 5 Prime

Some players advocate a strategy based on replicating the dealer’s action, or in other words, raising on any hand queen-high or better. Gambling experts have determined that this is a serviceable strategy overall, lowering the house edge to 3.45 percent as opposed to 7.65 percent when playing by instinct alone. Overall though, the queen-six-four strategy lowers the house edge more than any other, and using this as a minimum hand with which to raise will save you money over the long run.