Comp Casino


Casino comps are the basic system through which casinos reward their customers, in this case, gamblers. Just like grocery stores and restaurants have loyalty programs, so does just about every casino in the world.

The exact benefits you receive will be dependent on a wide range of factors. These include where you’re playing, what you’re playing, for how long, and at what stakes. No two comp programs are the same and it’s crucial to understand how each one works.

If you're after comps, don't spread your play out too much. Stick to a particular property/program - and join their players club before doing any gambling. Exclusions may apply such as medical expenses, gaming, in-room gaming, lottery, Krackits, Bingo, Deal Or No Deal, medi spa, art auction, Cruise Rewards, casino novelty games, charitable contributions, manual gratuities and service charges. For more details visit the Casino Player Club onboard.

Think about comps as a cash back system. While you’ll not always see your rewards in the form of actual money, you will effectively be given a kickback for your expected losses. The casinos generally work according to expected, or theoretical, losses.

There aren’t any games (with rare exception) that players will profit from long term. So casinos reduce their bottom line profits to give players a bit back. Comps show appreciation for the customer and work toward keeping them coming back.

Why do casinos give players comps?

The basic reason that casinos give comps is because they are expected to. Since every casino brand today has a reward program, the casino that abstained from one would quickly lose business. This is especially true for casinos that have a large base of local, regular players.

Comps make players feel valuable and even special when they are gambling. There is a common misconception that only high limit, big time gamblers are privy to comps, but this could not be further from the truth. Even the smallest of players will receive some level of comps for their play.

How can I get comps when I gamble?

Getting comps for your play is usually very simple and straightforward. In the majority of casinos, you will be asked to sign up for a players card. As long as you have a proper photo ID (like a passport or drivers license), you should be able to sign up in a matter of minutes. The best way to sign up for a new players card is to go to the rewards program desk. They will ask for your basic information and create an account for you on the spot.

Some casinos have special offers for new players club members. Be sure to take advantage of these when you are making a new account.

If there is no desk to create a new account at your casino, or if it is closed for the day, you will usually still have options. At the slots, call a slot attendant and ask them to create you a card. For table games, the on-duty floor person should be able to make you a new card.

To be credited with your comps, simply put your card into the machine when playing slots or video poker. If you are playing table games, give your card to the dealer. You will be swiped into the system, at which point you will be rated for your play based on game type, average bet size, and length of play. Machines will usually tell you how many comps you are earning as you play, but a floor person can update your comps as well if you ask.

Seek out a host

If you are playing at larger limits, whether it be slots or table games, you should also seek out a host. A host will serve as your personal contact at the casino. This is the person who can reserve a hotel room for you, give you a special food comp, or provide you with free play. Any gambler who puts in decent volume, by stake, length of play, or both, should ask to have their own host.


Do I have to gamble a lot to get comps?

Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, earning comps is a lot more about length of play than simply the size of your bets. A player who wagers $20/hand for hours at a time is worth much more to a casino than a patron who bets $100/hand for a half hour.

Consistency and longevity is what will earn you the most comps, and in turn, the highest player reward levels. Now, if you generally only gamble at very low limits for small amounts of time, you will still have a tough time earning substantial comps. With that said, you should still use your card as you have nothing to lose.

Many casinos increase the rate at which you earn comps based on your past play. There are tiers of player cards. The lowest level players may receive one point per $10 at slots, while the highest volume players may receive one point per $2 wagered on slots, for example. This is why it generally makes most sense to commit to building volume and history at one property or gaming brand rather than spreading your play across multiple casinos.

Which casinos give the best comps?

Casino comps vary wildly across the country. For example, California casinos are notoriously stiff when it comes to comps. This is because the lack of geographical competition means benefits do not have to be very generous to attract players. On the opposite side of the spectrum, the resort towns of Las Vegas and Atlantic City at just about every property due to the intense competition between casinos.

As a general rule, the big brands like Sands, Caesars and MGM have fixed, easy to understand player programs. You can locate their rules and guidelines by going to their websites. From here, you will also be able to determine which casino(s) offer the best benefits for your particular games and limits.

Take advantage of a player reward program by understanding what is most rewarded. Some casinos reward slots more than others, so if you play slots, you should seek out these locations. Conversely, casinos may offer extra comps if you play on certain days of the week or hours of the day. Take advantage of the particular benefits that any casino has to offer.

Comp Casino Terms

Ever wonder how the casino you visit decides on what comps to give you? It all comes down to the relationship that casino comps and Average Daily Theoretical have.

When I first started gambling, my bankroll was small, and I played often. I thought that if I went to the local casino and played a little more often, the casino would see me as a loyal customer and raise the quality of my comps, such as free play. I would say to myself, “How could they depend on that player that appears once a year instead of me? After all, – they have me for life if they played their cards right.” Alas, my comps continued to be menial – I call them “minion’s comps.”

Casino Rewards and Average Daily Theoretical

My thoughts about how casino rewards players with comps were wrong. Further research led me to understand Average Daily Theoretical. Average Daily Theoretical, or ADT, is the average amount that gamblers lose per day for gambling activity. It is usually expressed in absolute terms, such as dollars. It’s your value to the casino, based on your average daily play – NOT the number of appearances at the casino.

Your Average Daily Theoretical is the amount a casino assumes your play is worth to them. A positive Theoretical is an assumed loss to the player. A casino typically comps players based on their actual worth and the actual worth the game is to the casino.

An “ADT” Example

A casino assigns each game a theoretical house advantage. Let’s say you play a certain game with a Theoretical of 5%. Assuming a player’s coin-in is $10,000, a casino would then limit total comps to some fraction (less than one) of the theoretical $500 the player is assumed to lose. If the player had the same coin-in on a game with 1% Theoretical, the comps would have been limited to some fraction of $100.

Comp casino games

Camp Casino Woodford Vt

To make it simple, basically, it’s based on your play in one day. A long play in a casino’s day raises your “comp-ability,” and playing a little lowers it. Play your bankroll over fewer visits and see better mailers – spread out the same amount of money over more visits, less time each visit, the offers decrease.

Related Posts below by Coach Kitty from TravelZorkprovide an interesting way of raising your ADT: Casino Comps The Big Play Casino Gambling Day – Part 1; Casino Comps The Big Play Casino Gambling Day – Part 2

Casino Days, Casino Visits

It’s not just about time. Lowering your play per hand to play longer won’t increase comps. The casino wants two things from your play, time & money. Raise one or both (preferably) will raise your value to the casino, thus raising your worth to the casino.

One significant part of knowing is the “casino day,” which may not be what you consider a day or may differ from casino to casino. Some casino day’s start at 12:01 AM, while others start at 6:00 AM. Make sure you know which day your play falls on at, for example, 1:00 AM.

The guys from “You Can Bet on That” gives a good example. Let’s say you are staying at a casino for two nights with $400 as your bankroll. If you play the $400 through on the first day, your ADT is better than if you split your bankroll over two days. And what if you get up to check out and put in one more $20 before you leave? Well, your ADT is now figured over three casino days, thus lowering your ADT.

Cherokee Casino Comp Rooms

So, if you visit often and put through $50 each time, don’t expect great offers. Make fewer visits putting through the same amount in a month, and you will find your offers increase.

Casino Comp Often Crossword Clue


No Rewards Card, Casino Comps and Average Theoretical

Sometimes not using your card is a good idea. The morning of your departure may call you to play just a little bit more. But a small play before you leave will lower your visit’s ADT. In the same vein, stopping by for a little VP or Video Keno and a drink on your way home may not need your card in play, especially since VP & VK has a low casino “the” and takes more money in to earn points. Weigh the options available to you.

A Word of Caution

Casino Comp Points

But please remember – play for fun and play for recreation with the bankroll you can spend. DO NOT PLAY MORE THAN YOU CAN SPEND TO GET BETTER COMPS. Always spend up to your allowable bankroll.

Related Post: 5 Considerations For Casino Play and “Casino Freebies”

Comp Casino


Embrace the Math, Not the Myth