Favorite To Win Bachelorette

  • And the best place to look? That very long promo for the 2019 Bachelorette season that was released at the end of the premiere episode. While The Bachelorette keeps plenty of things secret and the.
  • The Bachelorette is still filming, but Hannah Brown has sent home one of the fan favorites and the man who received the first impression rose.
  • Sweet, soft-spoken Kiptyn Locke wasn't Ed Swiderski enough to win Bachelorette Jillian Harris' heart, but he sure as hell won the hearts of viewers across America. Frank Neuschaefer.

Garrett Yrigoyen, an early favorite to win 'The Bachelorette' season, has apologized for liking 'hurtful and offensive' memes on Instagram after a week-long social media scandal. Yrigoyen, a 29-year-old medical sales rep, was found to have liked posts that fat shamed women, mocked transgender people and immigrants, and doubted the testimony of. So will Peter win The Bachelorette? He's one of a few favorites Bachelor Nation is keeping an eye on. But he's come out and said that he's on the show to win The Bachelorette, not to be the.

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By/March 19, 2019 4:01 pm EST/Updated: Aug. 14, 2020 2:37 pm EST

Let's be honest, being the star of The Bachelorette can't be easy. Sure, you have over a dozen men competing for your affections, but the amount of he-said-she-said hijinks and producer-induced sob sessions has to be draining. That isn't even taking into account all the pressure on social media — people judging you for every little thing you do.

It takes a lot to endure all that and still remain entertaining and respectful. Some bachelorettesflourish in their role, while others... not so much. It's worth noting that it's really nothing personal — even some of the 'worst' bachelorettes have gone on to accomplish incredible achievements, and appear to be awesome women.

The Bachelor just finished its 23rd season, and now it's time for Hannah Brown to take up the mantle in this three-ring circus. Luckily for her, she has plenty of research to delve into to prepare herself. With a new Bachelorette just starting her journey, let's take a look back at all those that have come before her and see where they succeeded or failed. Here are the seven best and seven worst Bachelorettes in the franchise's history.

Best: Rachel Lindsay

It's really embarrassing that it took thirteen seasons for us to get an African-American Bachelorette, but Rachel Lindsay was well worth the wait. Lindsay was a great conversationalist and whip smart. DeMario Jackson might have made a fool of himself by trying to weasel his way out of a lie, but Lindsay won our hearts early on by holding her ground with grace and intelligence. Then, of course, there was Peter. Peter Kraus quickly became one of the most beloved contestants of the entire show and the audience wasn't the only one falling for his charm.

Sadly, though, Kraus didn't think he could propose to Lindsay in the season finale, leading to perhaps the most heartbreaking breakup in the entire show. Rachel gave us everything we wanted: drama, fun, romance, and even thought-provoking conversations about race. She elevated the show to new heights, and frankly, it hasn't reached that high point since her departure. At least Lindsay got her happy ending and will marry her beloved Bryan Abasolo in August 2019.

Worst: DeAnna Pappas

It's rough when even Chris Harrison doesn't agree with your choice. In the grand scheme of things, what happens to a Bachelor or Bachelorette's relationship post-show is important. For one thing, it breaks the illusion if the couple breaks it off less than a year after the finale. Second, it speaks to the star's emotional intelligence in choosing the right person for them. DeAnna started by dumping fan favorite Jason Mesnick. Then, she broke it off with her winner, Jesse Csincsak, under pretty messy circumstances. Harrison told Los Angeles' radio show Valentine in the Morning, 'DeAnna... she's getting some really bad advice. Unfortunately she's getting this [advice] from people who are supposedly in Hollywood. ...He [Jesse] really, truly loved DeAnna.'

Favorite To Win Bachelorette

It comes off as immaturity on Pappas' part, which puts into perspective her very off-the-cuff behavior on the show. Pappas even admits that Csincsak was the wrong choice in an interview with Cosmopolitan. 'I was stuck in a relationship with someone that I hated for a very long time, because I tried desperately to make it work.' That is perhaps the complete opposite of what fans want to see out of the show. Nevertheless, DeAnna did end up finding love through The Bachelor franchise. She married Stephan Stagliano, brother of Bachelorette contestant Michael Stagliano, in October 2011 and they have two children together.

Best: Trista Sutter

Trista Sutter was the very first Bachelorette and really started the series off on a high note. Compared to a lot of the insanity that goes on in newer seasons, Season 1 seems very tame, but that's part of what makes it so pure and enjoyable. 'I kissed three guys,' Sutter told Us Weekly. 'And I think that the kisses are a little more plentiful [now]. It was a little more innocent when Ryan and I were on.' Who didn't love watching the Bachelorette fall in love with the sensitive firefighter? The romance practically writes itself!

Trista and Ryan Sutter ended up having their wedding televised, the first wedding of the series to be broadcast. Years later and the couple is still going strong. Trista posted a heartfelt message on Instagram for their 15th anniversary and if it doesn't tug at your heart strings, nothing will. 'Thank you for loving me for me... not fame or glory or just to 'win' that final rose,' Sutter writes, 'You and our family are the best part of our story...' We all can only hope that someday we find that kind of happy ending!

Worst: Jen Schefft

It's one thing for the audience to be bored, but quite another for the actual star to be bored. Jen always looked 'over it' throughout her season. The disinterest not only made for a pretty boring season, but led to one of the most annoying conclusions ever with Jen rejecting both of her two remaining suitors. Brad Womack can tell you just how popular that kind of decision is. By not picking anyone, Jen made the season feel like a waste of time. Audiences were rightfully pissed off.

After Jen's season, there wasn't another Bachelorette until DeAnna three years later. Really, it just seems like Jen wasn't a good fit for the franchise, and the whole season left everyone with a bad taste in their mouth. Jen left the reality tv world and settled down with Joe Waterman, who she met on a blind date. She lives in Ohio with him and their two daughters.

Best: Ashley Herbert

Ashley Herbert was just the right amount of vulnerable, without coming across as too unstable. Herbert undeservedly had a rough start. Contestants walking into the house thought they would be getting Emily Maynard, and some of them even brought it up during the roast date (worst idea for a date ever, by the way). Her season also had one of the most devious villains ever, Bentley Williams. He straight up said that he was out to make Herbert cry, the only way he could be more maniacal is if he twisted a curly mustache.

Thankfully, besides the nastiness, there was also a lot of sweetness. Once Williams kindly sashayed away, J.P. Rosenbaum slid right into Herbert's heart. Herbert and Rosenbaum sharing an adorable pajama night-in date (best idea for a date ever, by the way) immediately endeared us to their story. Herbert's insecurities made her relatable, and it was very swoon-worthy to watch Rosenbaum sweep her off her feet. The two are still married and raising a family together.

Worst: Andi Dorfman

It's difficult to place Andi Dorfman in the 'worst' category because she did have an entertaining season. Plus, no one can argue that her shutdown of Juan Pablo Galavis is nothing less than iconic. Dorfman can stick to her guns, and that's a good thing. Ultimately, it's a few odd decisions on her part that have landed her here. Perhaps the most controversial being Nick Viall and Dorfman's fantasy suite date. Andi in After the Final Rose pretty much confirms that she knew she would pick Josh Murray at the end. Therefore, regardless of how you feel about Viall publicly announcing that they sealed the deal, it can come across as insensitive that she would take things that far in the fantasy suite.

And, of course, there's the fact that she picked Murray at all. Throughout the season, Dorfman states that she doesn't want to go for her usual type of athletic jocks who treat her badly. So, naturally, she picks the athletic jock that treats her badly. As a viewer, it's frustrating to watch the star say one thing and then act the complete opposite way. It's unfortunate that things ended this way for such a strong lead. Hopefully Dorfman will find her own happiness someday with someone that deserves her.

Best: Desiree Hartsock

The drama was fairly low during Desiree Hartsock's season, which makes some fans label it as 'boring.' However, Hartsock made up for the lack of petty in-fighting with sincerity and humor. She came across as very sweet and more laid-back than other Bachelorette stars. The show felt less like a hyper-produced reality show and more like a documentary with Hartsock in the driver's seat. She always took the process seriously and gave the men the respect they deserved, even when she was breaking their heart.

This made the shocking last minute breakup with Brooks Forester all the more heart-wrenching. The tears and emotion over Forester made audiences think that Chris Siegfried was Hartsock's second choice and a 'consolation prize' more than a future husband. Nevertheless, they are still together with two children. Her season may not be enough for the more drama-centric viewers, but Hartsock delivered an authentic Bachelorette experience.

Worst: Becca Kufrin

In hindsight, it was way too soon for Becca Kufrin to be TheBachelorette. She was the obvious choice, and audiences rallied to her side after Arie blindsided her to be with Lauren Bushnel. Things started off okay when Kufrin began her journey to find her own love, but the cracks started to show soon after. Kufrin was easily frustrated with the standard Bachelorette drama and would cancel cocktail parties pretty often. To be fair to Kufrin, production made some really bizarre choices in casting the men that would pursue her.

Even when Kufrin had her head in the game the season was just frankly boring. The goodwill that Kufrin had built up from her heartbreak was pretty much spent by the time she got engaged to Garrett Yrigoyen. This wasn't helped by the fact that Yrigoyen got some heat near the end of the season for his social media activity. Perhaps with time, Kufrin's season will be remembered more fondly. For now, though, it's not recommended for a re-watch.

Best: Kaitlyn Bristowe

Kaitlyn Bristowe's season started off with a bang with one of the most unique and eventful premieres in Bachelorette history. It's hard to argue that Bristowe wasn't beloved when she was literally voted to be the Bachelorette. Nothing sells a romance more than authenticity, and Bristowe was always 100% herself. The dates, oh boy the dates, really showed off the wild and fun side of the show. What other season had both a boxing match date and a sumo wrestling date?

Nick Viall's return was highly controversial, but in the good way that just added to how iconic Bristowe's season was. It felt like anything could happen and the show felt fresher than it had in a long time. Bristowe took everything they threw at her in stride, providing a great watching experience. Bristowe and Shawn Booth split up in November 2018, but she started a romance with former Bachelorette contestant Jason Tartick in January 2019.

Worst: Emily Maynard

After Ashley Herbert's season, the contestants finally got who they had been waiting for: Emily Maynard. And it was... underwhelming. This is a bit of a middle-of-the-road season, but what tips it over is the fact that if Maynard hadn't rejected Arie, he would have never been the bachelor. She could have spared all of us from a season of 'I love that.' Still, it feels like kicking a puppy saying that Maynard is one of the worst considering her long history of heartbreak.

It could simply be that, unlike Desiree Hartsock's season, there just aren't any memorable moments that stick with viewers. Not an egregious crime, of course, but these 'best' and 'worst' decisions are burdens we simply have to take on. Maynard broke up with her final pick, Jef Holm, in October 2012. Thankfully, after two failed engagements, Maynard found happiness and married Taylor Johnson in a fairytale, rustic wedding in a South Carolina barn on June 7, 2014.

Best: Joelle 'JoJo' Fletcher

Joelle 'JoJo' Fletcher had Becca Kufrin's same questionable quality of guys to choose from, but had way more fun with it. Plus, who doesn't love a little southern charm? It was pretty much love at first sight for Fletcher as she saw Jordan Rodgers walk out. The season was admittedly a bit predictable because of that, but Fletcher was able to endear us the whole time.

In a weird way Fletcher's 'villains' helped by adding some chaos to an otherwise straightforward season. Brian 'Chad' Johnson lived up to the douche-y 'Chad' title and continuously ruffled feathers in the house. Rodgers proposed to Fletcher in the season finale and the two are still together. No wedding date has been set, but the couple has their own YouTube channel showcasing their life together. Even though it's now been two years since the season ended, Fletcher continues to outshine the newer Kufrin season.

Worst: Meredith Phillips

Meredith Phillips committed the worst crime in reality television: she bored the audience. Phillips starred in the second season ever and she was no match to follow in the big shoes of Trista's charming love story. There's a case to be made that she's the most forgettable Bachelorette in the show's history. Her break up with her winner, Ian Mckee, started the long trend of Bachelorettes not ending up with their final pick, and thus painted the franchise in a bad light.

It wasn't until her life after the show that Phillips began to gain some attention. She spoke up about her struggle with alcoholism, and further criticized the show for its emphasis on pushing alcohol on the contestants. Even more shocking are her allegations that a masseuse sexually assaulted her while the show was filming. It's clear that life has been less than kind to Phillips, but she's optimistic. She is married to her former high school sweetheart, Michael Broady, and is working on life post-addiction. In an interview with People, Phillips admits, 'It's not fun to start over again at 39, but life is short. And I have a second chance.'

Best: Jillian Harris

In the long desert of questionable Bachelorettes, there was Jillian Harris. Harris also did not end up with her pick, Ed Swiderski, but her season still has enough good in it. Harris had a great sense of humor and, even when things were hard, she continued to captivate the audience with her charm. The two might not still be together, but Harris and Swiderski's journey on the show was quite memorable, with Swiderski leaving in the middle only to return when he realized his mistake.

Harris also gave us another great relationship with Reid Rosenthal. Even after the show ended, Rosenthal still clearly had feelings for Harris in a show of sincerity the series often lacks. If you can't get enough of Harris, you can still find her on reality TV, but this time she's over on HGTV hostingLove It or List It Vancouver. It's clear that she has a charisma about her that is simply made for TV.

Worst: Ali Fedotowsky

Watching Ali Fedotowsky as The Bachelorette is kind of like watching a kid in a candy store, tantrums included. Fedotowsky was a pretty surprising pick from the 14th season of The Bachelor. She talked a lot of smack about fellow contestant Vienna Girardi (probably deservedly, to be fair), and came off as a semi-villain. In her own Bachelorette season, when Francis 'Frank' Neuschaefer decided to call things off because of feelings for his ex-girlfriend, Fedotowsky sort of brushes him off and goes off on her own to sulk. Of course she was hurt, but this is pretty cold and, frankly, an emotionally immature reaction considering Neuschaefer was a final three contestant.

When the situations are flipped, though, Fedotowsky feels differently. She confronted Justin Rego in front of the rest of the house about his girlfriend and demanded he stick around to talk with her. Admittedly, it's hilarious to watch Fedotowsky cry, 'You'll regret this!' as Rego retreats as far as he can. Fedotowsky broke up with fiancée Roberto Martinez in 2011.

ABC/John Fleenor

The Bachelor has ruled as the most dramatic reality dating show ever. It's actually hard to remember a time in which Mondays weren't dominated by the hit ABC primetime series, which first premiered in 2002 with Alex Michel in the titular role. After it's debut, people quickly found themselves enthralled with the idea of watching a single guy find a fiancée by dating multiple women at one time — a concept better fit for fantasy than reality.

Still, viewers were obsessed, and it didn't take long for ABC to reverse the roles and give Trista Rehn the reigns in The Bachelorette, which premiered on the network in 2003 (via E! News). Despite a few poorly-watched installments of The Bachelor, the franchise has managed to keep viewers coming back for more with the promise of romance, heartbreak, and, to quote host Chris Harrison, 'the most dramatic season ever.'

Here's a look at the best seasons in the history of The Bachelor and Bachelorette, as well as the seasons we could have done without.

Best: Jason Mesnick's Bachelor season changed the game

Season 13 of The Bachelor is among the franchise's best for more reasons than one. For starters, the leading man, Jason Mesnick, was the first single parent in the franchise's history to ever become the Bachelor or Bachelorette. Mesnick's dad-status completely raised the stakes for his season, as he made it clear he was searching for not only a wife, but a stepmother for his son, Ty.

Of course, that wouldn't be the last time Mesnick made Bachelor history. Moments after witnessing him propose to his final pick, Melissa Rycroft, viewers watched as Mesnick ended his engagement to Rycroft on the After the Final Rose special, confessing to her that he still had feelings for his runner-up, Molly Malaney. Rycroft was understandably angry; however, the evening ended on a happy note when Malaney excitedly accepted Mesnick's plea for a second chance.

While Mesnick's switch-a-roo landed him the title of Most Hated Man in America for a while, his relationship with Malaney blossomed into one of Bachelor Nation's greatest love stories. The couple married and welcomed their first child together, Riley Anne Mesnick, in March 2013.

Worst: Colton Underwood became the most-dumped Bachelor in the show's history

Despite being a far-fetched representation of what dating is actually like, The Bachelor is a reality dating show. Of course, where there's dating, there's bound to be heartbreak — a fact Bachelor Nation fans know all too well. While the The Bachelor might present itself as a show about finding love, it's pretty clear that the franchise's actual bread and butter is the business of breakups. Usually, the Bachelor is the person tasked with breaking the hearts of those vying for his affection; however, during his season, Colton Underwood proved that Bachelors can get dumped, too.

While contestants have broken up with leads before, no Bachelor or Bachelorette has been dumped on their own season as frequently as Underwood. As Vulture reported, three women — Elyse Dehlbom, Sydney Lotuaco, and Heather Martin – left the season of their own accord. Cassie Randolph also broke up with the Bachelor on their Fantasy Suite date, revealing she wasn't sure she wanted to get engaged. However, following Underwood's dramatic, seemingly gravity-defying fence jump, the two decided to continue their relationship offscreen.

Best: Emily Maynard's Bachelorette season was a win for single moms

Emily Maynard, the young widow whose husband Ricky Hendrick died in a plane accident, made history as The Bachelorette's first (and, as of this writing, only) single mother lead. To accommodate her life as a single mom, initial production for Maynard's season — which aired in May 2012 — moved from the Bachelor mansion to Charlotte, N.C., so that Maynard could stay close to her daughter, Ricki.

While she seemed like a sweet, southern belle on the surface, Maynard quickly proved herself to be a feisty force to be reckoned with — especially when it came to her daughter. When Maynard heard contestant Kalon McMahon had referred to Ricki as 'baggage,' the soft-spoken blonde wasted no time in putting him in his place, telling him to 'get the f**k out.' Maynard confessed (via Us Weekly), 'I want to go West Virginia, hood rat, backwoods on his a**,' adding, 'That's how much I love my daughter.'

While her engagement to winner Jef Holm ultimately didn't last, Maynard is still a beloved figure in Bachelor Nation — and her historic season was certainly a win for single moms everywhere.

Worst: Jake Pavelka was impossible to root for on his season of The Bachelor

ABC was likely hoping pilot Jake Pavelka would bring romantic Top Gun vibes to The Bachelor Season 14 — cleverly titled On the Wings of Love. Unfortunately, however, Pavelka's season quickly proved he was no Maverick.

Despite him having a cool job, Pavelka's personality was sorely lacking throughout his run as Bachelor, and many fans got the feeling the pilot didn't care all that much about finding true love. That feeling only intensified when Pavelka proposed to season villain Vienna Girardi instead of the woman with whom he seemed to share the most chemistry, fan favorite Tenley Molzahn.

Unsurprisingly, it didn't take long for Pavelka and Girardi's relationship to come crashing down; however, no one could have predicted the nasty turn their fallout would take in the media. Months after they made their debut as a couple, Pavelka and Girardi faced off in an intensely emotional two-on-one interview with host Chris Harrison. Not only did the messy back and forth leave viewers feeling sympathetic toward the former season villain, but it also seemed to capture Pavelka's true colors — and they weren't pretty.

Best: Hannah Brown's Bachelorette season made a timely statement

Season 15 of The Bachelorettepremiered on May 13, 2019, featuring beauty queen Hannah Brown in the title role. Considering she completely froze when asked to give a toast on Colton Underwood's Bachelor season, some fans were concerned the Alabama native would be more cringeworthy than entertaining. However, Brown's season of The Bachelorette quickly became one for the reality TV history books.

The former Miss Alabama USA kicked off her season by fiercely confronting and eliminating a contestant upon learning he had a girlfriend, proving she wasn't afraid to stick up for herself and call her own shots. Later in the season, when Luke Parker seemingly shamed Brown ahead of their Fantasy Suite date, the Bachelorette's fiery, tell-it-like-it-is attitude came out in full force as she sent the contestant packing. Revealing that she had, in fact, had sex with another contestant, Brown famously told Parker, 'I have had sex ... and Jesus still loves me.'

While she ultimately didn't find her happily-ever-after, Brown's explosive conversation with The Bachelorette's Luke Parker did spark an important, nationwide discussion on faith, feminism, and sexual autonomy — and forever changed the way we look at windmills.

Worst: Desiree Hartsock's Bachelorette season left fans feeling as if she'd settled

Desiree Hartsock's emotional breakup with Brooks Forester certainly made for entertaining TV; however, the gut-punch of watching Hartsock's heart break into a million pieces, as well as the sinking feeling she settled for her final pick, made Season 9 of The Bachelorette one of the franchise's most-disappointing installments.

Hartsock was blindsided in the penultimate episode of her season when Forester, the man for whom Hartsock had the strongest feelings, confessed he wasn't in love with her. Hartsock was understandably devastated by the admission — and, upon Forester's exit, considered throwing in the towel herself (via Us Weekly). 'It breaks my heart knowing that I have two amazing, unreal guys who do love me,' Hartsock said. She continued, confessing, 'I just can't love them as much ... And that's not what they deserve.'

Despite her words, Hartsock did accept a proposal from contestant Chris Siegfried, ultimately marrying and starting a family with her final pick. However, considering her reaction to Forester leaving, it's hard not to feel as if Hartsock settled for Siegfried in an attempt to force a happy ending.

Best: Sean Lowe's Bachelor season produced the franchise's most adorable love story

Sean Lowe had his heart broken on Emily Maynard's Bachelorette season, but his status as a fan favorite landed him the leading role in Season 17 of The Bachelor. Lowe's season introduced multiple contestants who would go on to find popularity within Bachelor Nation, such as Lesley Murphy, Tierra LiCausi, and then-future Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock. However, Season 17 remains one of the franchise's best and most beloved largely due to the happy ending Lowe found with contestant Catherine Giudici.

A graphic designer from Seattle, Wash., Giudici was far from the safe choice for Lowe. In fact, as he wrote in his book, For the Right Reasons (viaBustle), 'I really liked Catherine, but she was a Birkenstock-wearing, vegan food blogger from Seattle. I was a meat eater who'd worked in the oil and gas industry.' Lowe continued, 'How could that possibly work out?'

Fortunately, Lowe followed his heart, which led to an ultra-dreamy proposal, followed by an epic elephant-back ride into the sunset. Today, the lovebirds are married with children, as of this writing, and are seemingly happier than ever. Now, that's what you call a Bachelor fairy tale.

Worst: Arie Luyendyk Jr.'s Bachelor season featured the most gut-wrenching breakup in the show's history

Jason Mesnick might have invented the televised switch-a-roo, but Arie Luyendyk, Jr. totally upped the ante during his season of The Bachelor.

While Mesnick and Melissa Rycroft reportedly talked at length about his wavering feelings, Luyendyk, Jr. decided to approach his breakup with fiancée Becca Kufrin by blindsiding her with a camera crew on what she thought would be the beginning of a romantic getaway, and revealing to her his intention to pursue runner-up, Lauren Burnham. Of course, Kufrin was devastated to hear her fiancé confess his feelings for another woman; however, her initial sadness quickly turned to rage when Luyendyk Jr. (as well as the camera crew) repeatedly ignored her pleas for privacy.

ABC aired what they called the 'raw, unedited' footage of the split — one of the most devastating Bachelor breakups in the franchise's history — utilizing a split-screen format to showcase each party's reaction simultaneously. Unfortunately, the footage made many viewers feel as though they were viewing an intensely private, emotional moment that should have been kept between the two parties involved. Everyone loves a little drama, but an ambush breakup is probably where the line should be drawn.

Best: Trista Rehn's Bachelorette season made us believe in reality TV love

Considering The Bachelorette wouldn't exist without Trista Rehn, who captured America's heart on The Bachelor Season 1, it only makes sense that her season is widely considered one of the franchise's best. Not only did Rehn's season set a precedent for future Bachelorette installments, it also produced one of the most celebrated love stories in Bachelor Nation history.

While there were far less jaw-dropping, dramatic moments on the inaugural season of The Bachelorette, fans were enthralled by Rehn's chemistry with firefighter Ryan Sutter. After weeks of watching Rehn and Sutter fall head over heels for each other, viewers were overjoyed when the Bachelorette confessed her love for Sutter, accepting his proposal on the season finale and telling him, 'I see a white dress, and I see it with you. You stepped out of my dreams and into my world' (via People).

The couple wed in December 2003, and, according to People, their romantic ceremony was watched by a whopping 26 million viewers when it aired on ABC. Today, the two are still happily married with two children, proving the Bachelor journey really can work for a lucky few.

Worst: Juan Pablo Galavis' Bachelor season was definitely not 'okay'

Juan Pablo Galavis' season of The Bachelor was a wild, entertaining ride from start to finish. However, the attitude the controversial lead displayed toward the women vying for his heart lands Galavis' run on our list of worst Bachelor seasons ever.

For starters, Galavis constantly disrespected and/or patronized the women on his season. One of the most striking examples of this was when he seemingly shamed contestant Clare Crawley after the two appeared to engage in mutual sexual relations during a midnight swim. 'I hope nobody knows,' Galavis told Crawley the next day (via Slate). He continued, 'It was a little weird for me. ... I'm too fair with people.' He added, 'Maybe it wasn't right.' Later, an embarrassed Crawley bawled to the camera, insisting she thought the desire had been mutual.

In another famous moment from the season, contestant Andi Dorfman confronted Galavis after their Fantasy Suite date, telling the Bachelor she'd realized she wasn't in love with him. Instead of showing any real concern or interest in her feelings, Galavis continuously interrupted Dorfman, saying, 'It's okay.'

Needless to say, it most certainly was not okay.

Best: Rachel Lindsay's Bachelorette season was historic and successful

Rachel Lindsay made reality TV history when she became the first African American lead, male or female, to be cast in a Bachelor franchise show. A mega-popular contestant on Nick Viall's season of The Bachelor, Lindsay was cast for Season 13 of The Bachelorette before her Bachelor elimination had even aired.

Of course, Lindsay's season will forever be considered one of the most iconic for the way it changed the Bachelor franchise game. However, history making aside, the Texas attorney's run as Bachelorette was jam-packed with humor, drama, and romance. While the majority of viewers were rooting for charming contestant Peter Kraus to be the final man standing, Lindsay ultimately ended the relationship when Kraus revealed himself to be hesitant about proposing.

Despite her emotional breakup with Kraus, Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay found her happily ever after with Bryan Abasolo, the contestant to whom she'd given her first impression rose. 'I did care about Peter, but it didn't make me change my mind or question whether Bryan was the one,' Lindsay later revealed (via The Hollywood Reporter).

Considering Lindsay and Abasolo tied the knot in August 2019, it appears her instincts were spot-on.

Worst: Brad Womack's Bachelor season was a huge disappointment

Despite appearing to fall for both of his final two contestants, Jenni Croft and DeAnna Pappas, Brad Womack delivered a blow on The Bachelor Season 11 finale when he rejected both women and left the show a single man. Viewers were especially displeased with the way Womack delivered the news to frontrunner Pappas, who had been the fan favorite to win his heart.

Holding Pappas' hands and telling her he believed marriage was a one-time thing, Womack revealed, 'I just said goodbye to Jenni.' A wave of relief washed over the contestant's face, but Womack's next confession took a sledgehammer to Pappas' dream of a happy ending. 'I can't look you in your eye and tell you that I love you,' Womack said. Crying, Pappas told Womack she didn't understand, to which he replied, 'I refuse to give you any kind of false promise because I do care about you so much.'

The Bachelor Odds

Not only did Womack seemingly lead on Pappas and Croft with no intention of following through with either relationship — his season of The Bachelor teased fans with a love story it had no intention of delivering.

Best: Chris Soules' Bachelor season introduced some of Bachelor Nation's favorite contestants

As any Bachelor franchise fan knows, the lead may be the star of the show, but it's the contestants who truly make or break a season. This is especially true in the world of The Bachelor, as the crops of interesting, headstrong, eclectic women cast on the show make up for the sometimes lacking personalities of the leading men — who, while nice enough, usually aren't captivating characters.

Bachelorette Australia 2019 Favorite To Win

A shining example of this can be found in Season 19 of The Bachelor, in which Iowan farmer Chris Soules attempted to find his soulemate. While Soules, who's been involved in some of the craziest Bachelor moments you didn't see on TV, seemed like a good guy, the best part about his season was undoubtedly the group of women vying for his heart. Season 19 introduced fans to a number of women who would go on to become major players within Bachelor Nation, including Ashley Iaconetti, Carly Waddell, Jade Roper, Becca Tilley, and then-future Bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe.

From Iaconetti's unforgettable on-camera cry during her disastrous two-on-one date to the signature wit and snark of Bristowe, who continues to be a fan favorite, Soules' season arguably had the most iconic group of gals ever.

The Bachelor Betting Odds

Worst: Jen Schefft's Bachelorette season reportedly almost ended the show for good

Jen Schefft made her Bachelor Nation debut on Andrew Firestone's season of The Bachelor, ultimately winning his heart and walking away engaged to the Firestone Tire heir. While the engagement ended only months later, Schefft was given another chance at finding reality television love when she was cast as the lead for The Bachelorette Season 3.

Throughout Season 3 of The Bachelorette, viewers watched as Schefft seemingly grew more and more unsure about a possible engagement — and that uncertainty only grew stronger once she'd narrowed her crop of contestants to two men, John Paul Merritt and Jerry Ferris. At one point (via Entertainment Weekly), Shefft even tearfully confessed to the camera, 'I'm sorry I'm not somebody who just takes a leap of faith and goes with the moment, but I did that before and it f***ed me.' Ultimately, Schefft rejected both contestants' proposals.

Schefft's unwillingness to be a standard Bachelorette might be praised today, but, in 2005, viewers were unimpressed. After her disappointing season finale, The Bachelorette didn't return to TV for a whopping three years (via Reality TV World).